Mar 29, 2023

COVID-19 Information

From Verdant Experiences, we follow and apply the recommendations of various health institutions (at the end of this page you can find more information), in relation to the impact of COVID-19 that now affects not only Spain, but also the rest of the world.

For this reason, we have worked on adapting our services to prevent and minimize the risks of contagion or exposure to COVID-19. The main objective is to be able to continue offering our services, while maintaining the protection of our clients, collaborators and own personnel.



We do not have any restriccions related to Covid-19 within the tourism sector.



The coronavirus is spreading across the European Union, affecting our lives in many ways. Governments have taken various restrictive measures to curb the spread of the coronavirus and to protect lives. The situation is changing fast and so is the response by Member States.

EU countries have agreed on a coordinated approach to the restriction of free movement in response to the coronavirus pandemic. This includes a colour code for the classifications of regions - green, orange, yellow and grey - based on the epidemiological situation there.

Check this website before planning any trip to Spain. You will find updated information, with the requirements to travel to Spain from any country or to any country.


Information related to the measures that Verdant Experiences has implemented in its services and products in relation to COVID-19 situation between 2020 and 2022.


How are we getting ready?

  1. We have created our Own Manual for internal use, which includes all the areas and activities in which we work. This manual is based on the Applicable Manuals against COVID-19 prepared by the Xunta de Galicia (authority in Galicia) through the Superior Center of Hospitality of Galicia (Centro Superior de Hostelería de Galicia), the Galician Health Service (Sergas) and the Institute of Labor Safety and Health (Instituto de Seguridad y Salud Laboral - ISSGA), in collaboration with representatives of the tourism sector and entities such as the Institute for Spanish Tourist Quality (Instituto para la Calidad Turística Española - ICTE), the Galician Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (Federación Gallega de Municipios y Provincias - Fegamp) and specialists such as the professor of Preventive Medicine and Public Health at USC, Juan Gestal, compiling the established mandatory requirements by the Ministry of Health, the recommendations prepared by the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism and other advice adapted to the galician companies, taking into account their particularities.
  2. Action protocols are being prepared for different processes and situations. For our clients we have the guide that is published at the top of this page.
  3. Contingency plans have being prepared for each of the activities and products that we offer. These plans are aimed at minimizing risks of contagion in the face of possible scenarios during the development of activities.


What security can we provide?

We must bear in mind that it is not possible to guarantee the non-existence of the virus in any place or person permanently, but we can take all possible measures to avoid and minimize the appearance of contagions while enjoying your holidays.

At Verdant Experiences we are reviewing that all collaborators have the right security measures in place, the lack of implementation of these measures it will be a reason for exclusion from our activities. In addition we have our own measures implemented within our activities and for our staff and own resources.


How can we minimize risks and avoid contagions?

Complying with the rules and recommendations given by our staff and collaborators. We must all act responsibly.

The company reserves the right of admission to anyone who does not respect the indications given, and who therefore puts the group and the personnel participating in the activity or excursion at risk.


Do you have any questions or want to know more about the measures we take?

If you have any questions or queries related to COVID-19 and the measures we implement, you can contact us through any of the communication channels that appear on our website or on our contact page.